Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The "Final" Countdown

The "Final" Countdown

Well, it's here...finals week.  I have been dreading my final exam for Primary Care of the Family, oh, since the class started. No, but really, I know it will be okay, it's just scary in the mean time. I only have one final exam this semester, but don't be jealous. The one exam is worth 35% of my final grade and is cumulative. Now mind you, here is a just a glimpse of all of the topics we have covered this semester:

Well adult exams
Well child exams
Well women's health exams
Pregnant woman health exams
Pneumonia, Asthma, COPD
Pharyngitis, Ear infection, sinus infection, nasal congestion, eye issues, allergies
High cholesterol
Chest pain
Every abdominal issue under the sun from acid reflux to diarrhea
Domestic Violence
Lab readings
Pediatric development

Yeah. Treatments, assessments, medications, follow up, lab testing. GAH!

The good news is, clinical and our case studies (25+ page papers due every week) really have helped in this department. It would be impossible not only for us to remember everything from lecture alone, but also for our professors to cover everything we need to know in 9 short months. So, that's where clinical comes in. I have found myself reflecting on my clinical experiences to remember information covered in class.

Otherwise, things are good! I am precepting at Health Services today, but is very slow. We have seen only two patients, because I imagine many students have headed home, or, are busy cramming for finals and shoving their sore throats or stuffy noses to the back burner for a while.

It is hard to believe that time has gone so fast. In the blink of an eye, I will be in my last semester as a graduate student, and beginning to think about taking my Nurse Practitioner certification exam! It isn't too often that I sit back and reflect on how far I've come so fast! I still remember being petrified to give a medication let alone prescribe one.

It has  taken 2.5 years of hard work, perseverence, and faith to get me to this point. With the semester ending and 2013 fast approaching, I wish all of you a very happy, healthy holiday season and new year! May it bring to all of us a new found sense of motivation, optimism and drive!

Until 2013, folks, good luck with finals!

What, I can't date and you can??

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Allllmossttt therrreee

Allllmossttt therrreee.

I know I go on and on about how fast time goes, how I can't believe it, but really I have to repeat... where did the time go?! I can't believe we are already in the first week of December, although it sure doesn't feel like it outside. I finished my final case study of the semester yesterday (yes!), a measly 30 pages, and now it's onto focusing on my final exam. Next Thursday is the test. It is cumulative and worth 30% of my final grade...scary! Not to mention how much material is on it. But, after a certain amount of time in nursing school, you know that somehow you will get through it.

Being 1 week away from a 2 week break forces you to reflect on the semester that is soon ending. Just like I did during the RN portion of the program, I look back on my first weeks as an NP student: nervous, insecure, overwhelmed. Now, I would describe myself as overwhelmed, confident, competent. I by no means know everything I need to know: that will take years and years of hard work, patient experience and inquiry. But, I do feel that I am just where I should be at this point, and that feels darn good.

I really see that things are starting to 'click' persay when I look back to my clinical day last Friday. If there are 3 things that I feel more insecure about clinically, it is diagnosing issues with lung sounds, ear issues and performing Pap smears. Lung sounds are incredibly subtle and sometimes difficult to detect, ear drums are incredibly hard to see in some patients, and I have had little hands on experience with women's health unfortunately, so I have only performed one Pap the entire semester. But last Friday, something magical happened...

-I diagnosed pneumonia
-I diagnosed a double ear infection
-I independently performed a Pap smear

Click. Click. Click. It was like a miracle! I felt so invigorated! It is days like last Friday that really keep me going. I say to several people I talk to, I so wish that this NP learning curve was linear: getting better and better each week. BUT, unfortunately as with all things in life, it isn't. Some days I'm on, other days I'm off, other days I'm WAY off. But, all you can do is keep your head up, keep faith in the process and move forward! But, I will hold onto last Friday as a reminder that although it may not feel like it some days, I AM moving actively towards my goal. Picturing myself in that office with that job, smiling and doing my work with pride is my final objective, and I know in my heart that one day that's where I will be.

But, until then, I will see you in Starbucks or Panera or the library slaving at the books. Feel free to say hi, and good luck on your finals. Until next time,

Now tell me you can resist that face!